Sunday, September 28, 2008

Walkin' man

Check me out...I can walk on my own! I'm getting steadier and steadier every day, but now and again I hit my bottom. That kiddo in the Charmin ads back in the day may have been on to something with the toilet paper in his diaper.

A stick me situation

Well, I was able to avoid shots at my nine-month visit, but doggone it, Dr. L. busted out the needles AGAIN at my 12-month visit! I hear there will be no shots next time though...yay. Of course I'll give you the info you are interested in...weight: 24lbs. 13oz. (90th percentile), length: 31-3/4 (95th percentile) and head: 48.4cm (95th percentile).

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Birthday pictures!

Here they are! We had a great time decorating cupcakes, eating barbeque and seeing friends! The best part though, was listening to everyone singing happy birthday to me. I love music and I totally knew it was all about ME! Wheeee! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

Mommy and Daddy help me with the cake, which I didn't care too much about eating.

Ellie decorates a cupcake while Jacqueline runs by and Jack discovers the goodness of gummy bears!

Wow, all these people sure are tall!

Well, hello there Dianne!

Zoe popped by for a quick hello while Grandpa was holding me....

Here's the scene under the big top!

...and finally here's part of the spread. We had chili-rubbed ribs with espresso BBQ sauce, BBQ brisket, green beans in lemon dressing with walnuts and parmesean, cornbread, ruby applesauce and scallopped fennel and potatoes with gouda. The birthday cake was sour cream and banana with cream cheese frosting. Mmmmm...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

One year and one century

Hey folks! I had a birthday today! I'm a whole bunch of days old...365 and one quarter to be exact. Can you believe it? I've survived Mom, who didn't even have much babysitting experience...and Dad, who is, well...a dude. Mom and Dad had a party for me and for our house since it turned 100 in the same year that I turned one. Grandpa was a huge help with finishing up the ribs on the grill and bringing an extra table and chairs...he also shot a bunch of video which we'll be posting soon along with some video of me WALKING that Mom took the other day! We had lots of good friends here to help me celebrate. Our buddies Jim and Amy made pictures and video for us, too, which was GREAT since Mom was so busy in the kitchen and didn't have time to pick up her camera. Stay tuned! Thanks again everybody for helping me celebrate!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sleeping the day away

I had a super long nap the other day and Mommy and Daddy figured out that sometimes it might be best to wake me up. Soooooo, after not seeing me asleep for a very long time since I'm so good about putting myself to sleep in my own bed, Mommy snuck a few pictures before she woke me up from a deep slumber yesterday. Oh, by the way, I heard that my REM sleep can look a little! Just click on my picture to see me bigger!

Tabled issue

Mommy and Daddy had to buy a new highchair for me since I figured out how to make my old one back and forth. It scared them to see me do that and they would come running if I did it just after they stepped away to fill my sippy or something. Of course I thought their spaz outs were hilarious! Anyway, my new chair lets me sit right at the table, but it's not nearly as much fun since it isn't my own personal bucking bronco. The upside of the deal is my placemat tastes nearly as good as my food. Oh, and if you forgot, that's my nanny Christina helping me keep things organized.

Super baby!

I'm well on my way to becoming Superman with Daddy's help!