Saturday, December 1, 2007

Houston, we have a problem

Hey y'all...sorry I haven't posted in a while, but Mom is having some technical difficulties here in Virginia with some new and different computer equipment. At the very latest I'll be online with pictures by December 13th.

Anyway, I had my first plane ride the other day and was a VERY good boy all the way from Seattle to Norfolk...I only started to get a little crabby in the last half hour because I was getting a wee bit tired. We've been trucking around quite a bit since I've been here, so I've been sleeping well at night, much to Mom's delight. (Dad will join us here on the 13th, so until then, he's trying to enjoy some good sleep on his own though we miss him lots!)

We'll keep you posted on what's happening, but until then may you all get good parking places at the mall and always be in the shortest checkout line!

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