Thursday, January 24, 2008

I wish the Doctor would "Do-Little"

Yes, that's right...I wish the doctor would do a little less when I go to see her. If Dr. L. would leave out the shots, I'd be perfectly happy. Mom and Dad were there for can see Dad and me giving our tough-guy looks in preparation for me being stuck below. I liked the oral vaccine pretty was sweet and tasty...but the needles weren't my fave although I tried really hard to be brave. It was OK though...I was all smiles after we got home!

I almost forgot, you people probably want to know the vital stats from my 4-month checkup. I'm a hefty 17lbs. 7oz and a whopping 26-3/4 in. long, so I'm in the 90th and 95th percentiles respectively. In other words, it still looks like I could have eaten one of my nursery mates at the hospital. However, instead of eating smaller children, I'm going to move on to rice cereal since Dr. L. gave me the nod!

1 comment:

Kim Carney said...

that first photo is stunning! must frame it, or put in book